Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid

Committee chairwoman Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin (SPD)
© German Bundestag
Responsibilities of the Committee
Human dignity and human rights are under threat frequently and
in many places today. The responsibilities of the Bundestag’s
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid are consequently
very broad.
The Committee’s purpose is to help stop violations of and
avert threats to human rights – both in Germany and also at
the international level.
At present, it is particularly important to ensure that human
rights are safeguarded in the struggle against terrorism, guarantee
the security of those who defend human rights and work on the
improvement and further development of national, European and
international instruments for the protection of human rights.
In our policies on asylum and the treatment of refugees we deal
with serious human rights issues every day. The Committee also
discusses ways of ensuring respect for minority rights and the
persistent challenges that are associated with humanitarian
Trips to crisis areas enable Members to make up their own minds
about the situation on the ground and examine the appropriateness
of the options and instruments available for the provision of aid.
The Committee incorporates its proposals for improvements into
recommendations submitted to the Federal Government and the German