European policy in the German Bundestag

Germany was a founder member of the European Union
© dpa
Germany was a founder member of the European
Union (EU), which has had a total of 25 Member States since its
last round of enlargement in 2004. The EU was originally founded in
1957 as the European Economic Community (EEC) and can look back on
what will soon be a 50-year process of development and integration.
During this period, its role has grown increasingly political. The
majority of the Member States of the EU use a single currency, the
euro. Common foundations have also been created for foreign and
security policy as well as cooperation between the Member States in
the fields of internal affairs and justice. The driving force of
European integration is the making of EU law in the form of diverse
regulations and directives. This legislation is created in a
process of interaction between the European Commission, the
European Parliament and the Council. The German Bundestag is
involved in the making of EU law through its decisions on European
policy, which have to be taken into consideration by the German
Federal Government when it is negotiating in the Council.
Germany will hold the Council presidency in the first six months of 2007, when the founding treaties will be 50 years old.