Service for pre-booked
Talks on the visitors' gallery of the plenary chamber

Visitors on the visitors' gallery
© dpa
Talks are held on the visitors' gallery
of the plenary chamber of the German Bundestag during the
periods when
parliament is not sitting.
- 45-minute talk on the functions, working methods and composition of parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building, followed by a discussion
- Unaccompanied visit to the dome possible if desired
- Please book in writing as early as possible due to limited availability (see section booking/information)
- only applies to periods when parliament is not sitting (see calendar of sittings)
- Mon - Fri:
- from April to Oct: 09.00 - 18.00 hrs (until 22.00 hrs if demand requires)
- from Nov to March: 09.00 - 17.00 hrs
- Sat, Sun and public holidays (except Good Friday, Easter
Sunday, Day of National Mourning, Christmas and New Year's Eve):
- from April to Oct: 09.00 - 18.00 hrs (until 22.00 hrs if demand requires)
- from Nov to March: 10.00 - 16.00 hrs
- Tuesdays:
- talk for school groups: 11.00hrs (from Nov to Feb, specially for pupils in the 7th to 9th year of schooling)
- talk in English: 12.00 hrs
- talk in French: 13.00 hrs
- Wednesdays:
- talk for school groups: 11.00 hrs (specially for pupils in the 7th to 9th year of schooling)
- Every hour on the hour
- West portal, left entrance (West A) for "pre-booked visitors"
Tours unavailable
- 21 March (Good Friday), 23 Marchl (Easter Sunday), 16 November (Day of National Mourning), 24-26 December (Christmas) and 31 December 2008 (New Year's Eve).