Visiting the German Bundestag in Berlin 2005

I. Services for visiting groups and individuals
1. Dome, roof terrace and roof garden restaurant
The roof terrace and dome of the Reichstag Building offer an incomparable view of Berlin`s government and parliamentary quarter.
1.1. Booking/Reservation
Booking/reservation not necessary
1.2. Times/Access
- Daily from 08.00 to 24.00 hrs
Last admission 22.00 hrs - West portal, right entrance (West B)
1.3. Closure of the dome and roof terrace
The dome and roof terrace will be closed all day on 24 December 2005 and from 16.00 hrs on 31 December 2005
For information about the closure of the dome at other times (4-10 April, 20-24 June, 11 - 17 July and 10-16 October 2005) please see our homepage,, the leaflets available at the entrances, and the (Berlin) daily newspapers, or contact the Visitors` Service by telephone (cf. section II.1.2.); access will continue to be provided to the roof terrace

The roof garden restaurant next to the dome
looks out over Pariser Platz, and is open daily from 09.00 hrs to
24.00 hrs. Visitors who have already reserved a table can enter the
building via the entrance below the west portal to the right (West
Tables can be reserved by telephone on +49 (0)30 -22 62 99 33 or
online at
2. Talks on the visitors` gallery of the plenary chamber
Talks are held on the visitors` gallery of the plenary chamber of the German Bundestag during weeks when parliament is not sitting.
2.1. Programme
45-minute talk on the functions, working methods and composition of parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building, followed by a discussion
- Opportunity for unaccompanied visit to the dome
2.2. Booking
Please book in writing as early as possible on account of restrictions on numbers (cf. section II.1.1.)
2.3. Times/Access
- Only during weeks when parliament is not sitting (cf. Calender of Sittings)
- Mon - Fri
from April to Oct: 09.00 - 18.00 hrs
(until 22.00 hrs if demand requires)
from Nov to March: 09.00 - 17.00 hrs - Sat, Sun and public holidays
from April to Oct: 09.00 - 18.00 hrs
(until 22.00 hrs if demand requires)
from Nov to March: 10.00 - 16.00 hrs - Tuesdays
in English: 12.00 hrs
in French: 13.00 hrs - Wednesdays for school groups: 11.00 hrs
(7th to 9th years of schooling) - Every hour on the hour
- West portal, left entrance (West A) for "pre-booked visitors"
2.4. Closure of the plenary chamber
25 March (Good Friday), 27 March (Easter Sunday), 13 November (Day of National Mourning), 23 - 26 December (Christmas), 31 December 2005 (New Year`s Eve), 1 January 2006 (New Year`s Day): no talks available

3. Visits to plenary sittings
Watch a plenary sitting of the German Bundestag "live" from the public gallery of the plenary chamber.
3.1. Programme
- Approx. 1-hour visit for visiting groups and individual visitors
- Opportunity for unaccompanied visit to the dome
3.2. Booking
- Please book in writing as soon as possible before your planned visit (cf. section II.1.1.)
3.3. Times/Access
- Only in weeks when parliament is sitting (cf. section III)
- Wed: 13.00 - approx. 15.45 hrs
Thu: 09.00 - approx. 22.00 hrs
Fri: 09.00 - approx. 14.00 hrs - West portal, left entrance (West A) for "pre-booked visitors"
4. Visits at the invitation of a Member
Subject to certain restrictions, Members of the German Bundestag caninvite visiting groups (at least 10 participants) to make a study visit or visit to a plenary sitting.
4.1. Programme
- Study visit
45-minute talk on the functions, working methods and composition of parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building; discussion with the Member who issued the invitation; snack; opportunity for unaccompanied visit to the dome - Visit to a plenary sitting
Approx. 1-hour visit to a plenary sitting; discussion with the Member who invited the group; opportunity for unaccompanied visit to the dome
4.2. Times/Access
Study visits: cf. section I.2.3.
Visits to plenary sittings: cf. section I.3.3.
4.3. Further information
Please address inquiries directly to the Member who issued the invitation or his/her constituency office
5. Guided tours
The following 90-minute tours are available during weeks when parliament is not sitting (cf. Calender of Sitting); max. number of participants: 25.
5.1. Tour of the Reichstag Building
- Topics: the functions, working methods and composition of parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building
- Unaccompanied visit to the dome if wished
- Mon-Sun and public holidays 10.30 hrs, 13.30 hrs, 15.30 hrs, 18.30 hrs
- West portal, left entrance (West A)
5.2. Art and architecture tours
- Talks on art and architecture
In the Reichstag Building
- Sat, Sun and public holidays: 11.30 hrs
- West portal, left entrance (West A)
- Unaccompanied visit to the dome if wished
In the Paul Löbe and Jakob Kaiser Building
- Sat, Sun and public holidays: 14.00 hrs, 16.00 hrs
- North entrance (Reichstag Building), with disabled access
- Unaccompanied visit to the dome if wished
In the Marie Elisabeth Lüders Building
- Sat, Sun and public holidays: 12.00 hrs, 14.00 hrs
- North entrance (Reichstag Building), with disabled access
5.3. Tours of buildings for foreign visitors
On request, tours can be provided in the following languages: Danish, English, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish5.4. Booking
Please book in writing as early as possible due to restrictions on numbers (cf. section II.1.1.)
5.5. Tours unavailable
25 March (Good Friday), 27 March (Easter Sunday), 13 November (Day of National Mourning), 23 - 26 December (Christmas), 31 December 2005 (New Year`s Eve), 1 January 2006 (New Year`s Day): tours unavailable
6. Children`s Day
On Children`s Days (21 March, 7 June, 14 September and 8 December 2005), children aged from 6 to 14 and accompanied by at least one adult can take part from 08.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs (last entrance: 13.00 hrs) in a special childrens tour of the Reichstag Building (for booking details see section II.1.1.). We recommend that youth groups and school classes book as early as possible.
7. Role play for young people
School children from the 10th year of schooling (16 years)
onwards can get to know how the German Bundestag works by taking
part in a role play entitled " Experiencing Parliamentary
Democracy". The programme includes a tour of the Reichstag
Building and a snack; unaccompanied visit to the dome is possible
if wished.
The role play takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays, from 08.00 to
13.00 hrs. The minimum group size is 20, maximum group size 35.
Enquiries and bookings or by mail:
II. We`re glad to be of assistance!
1. Booking/InformationNo charge is made for the services provided by the Visitors` Service of the German Bundestag.
1.1. Booking
If you have decided to visit the Bundestag or join a tour, write to us at:
Deutscher Bundestag
- Besucherdienst -
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
or fax
+49 (0)30 - 227 30 027
Information required
- The date and time when you wish to visit the Bundestag, the numberof visitors and the service you are interested in
- Please give max. 2 alternative dates, in case it is not possible for your visit to take place on your preferred date
- Postal address, telephone number and/or e-mail address
Please note
On account of very high levels of demand and limited capacity, we are unable to meet all requests.
1.2 Information
For further information look (english version)
2. General information
- The minimum age for groups taking advantage of all services, except visits to the roof terrace and dome, "Children`sDays" and the talk given on Wednesdays at 11.00 hrs is 15 years orthe 9th year of schooling.
- Disabled visitors with disabled ID, elderly or frail persons, parents with prams or buggies and visitors who have reserved a table at the roof garden restaurant are allowed access via the entrance below the west portal to the right (WestC).
- For security reasons large pieces of luggage may not be taken into the Reichstag Building. No storage facilities are available on site.
- Bags, coats, etc. are subject to an x-ray examination and visitors checked with metal detectors in the entrance area.
- The German Bundestag reserves the right to alter all arrangements at short notice. Any such alterations will be announced by means of posters, etc.

3. Information material
All visitors are free to take the information material on the German Bundestag provided in the entrance area at the west portal and in the cloakrooms on the visitors` gallery of the Reichstag Building. Alternatively, it can be obtained in writing from:
Deutscher Bundestag
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit -
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
or by fax: +49 (0)30 - 227 36 508
Information material
of plenary sittings of the German Bundestag 2005
Information for those who have not booked in advance
During the winter months in particular, you can ask at the West portal, left entrance (West A) - the entrance for prebooked groups - whether any places are still availableto watch a plenary sitting or attend a talk on the visitors?galleryof the plenary chamber, or take part in a tour of one of the buildings.