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Forward-looking concepts of energy management

Drastic reduction in emissions

By using the latest technologies and concepts in the Bundestag buildings, energy consumption and emissions, of carbon dioxide in particular, are to be kept as low as possible.

In the new buildings, high-grade heat insulation and passive use of solar energy will ensure that limits set by the federal ordinance on heat conservation art more than comfortably complied with. Extensive use of natural lighting and energy-saving artificial lighting technology will limit the need for electric energy.

With respect to energy supply, the German Bundestag has opted for an integrated heating, cooling and power-generating system, similar to those used in the modern block-type thermal power stations. By linking the heating and power systems of the closely grouped buildings, utilization primary energy will be optimized.

Energy supply in the Reichstag Building

The development of ecological energy management concepts for the Reichstag Building and for the new parliamentary buildings is well advanced. Wherever it is technically feasible, and wherever it enhances economy and efficiency, environmentally friendly technology is to be installed both in the Reichstag Building and in the new Alsen- and Luisenblocks (Paul-Löbe- and Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus).

Both the consumption of electric energy and the need for cooling in summer are to be reduced substantially. The innovative dome structure will allow the use of solar energy and ensure a supply of air and light. In collaboration with technical experts, the architect has developed a system which will exploit thermal updraughts to channel stale air out of the building. The ventilation ducts installed by Paul Wallot are to be reactivated. The exceptionally thick outer walls of the Reichstag Building will help to retain warmth in winter and reduce the need for cooling in summer.

The key elements in the energy supply concept are the block-type thermal power plants. They are to be operated using vegetable oil which is more environmentally friendly than either natural gas or mineral oil. This will make possible a substantial reduction in the emission of pollutants.

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