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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Republika e Shqipërisë
(Republic of Albania)
Official language: Albanian

Official name of Parliament: Kuvendi Popullor
(People's Assembly)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

2. Address
Kuvendi Popullor
Biblioteka e Kuvendit Popullor
Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit
Tel.: *(355)(42)32003; 28668
Fax: *(355)(42)27949
Telex: 4298 PKPRPSSH AB

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1992
Person in charge: Ms Zana BUFI
Position or official title: Inspector of Information and Library
Number of library staff: 3
Number of professional librarians: 3
Size of collection: 37.000
Number of annual accessions: 1.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 1.800.000 Lek (~ US$ 20.000)
Number of current periodicals: 55
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 12
Number of current newspapers: 12
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Library (12)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the Library
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: No
Clientele: Members, parliamentary staff
Number of reading rooms: 3 (22)
Reference services: 70
Current bibliographies: Yes
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Yes
External database searches: Yes
Analysis and research: Yes, by the Library
IFLA membership: Yes

4. Publications published by the Library
Bufi, Zana: Bibliografi e ligjeve dhe dekreteve te miratuara nga Kuvendi Popullor : 1991 - 1995 / Zana Bufi ; Vjollca Hysenbegas
Bibliography of laws and decrees passed by the People's Assembly
Hysenbegas, Vjollca: Laws and decrees approved by the People's Assembly : March 1992 - May 1995 ; bibliography / Biblioteka e Kuvendit Popullor. - 1995
Hysenbegas, Vjollca: Bibliografi e vendimeve dhe udhezimeve te miratuara nga Keshilli i Ministrave 1991 - 1995, si dhe vendimet e miratuara nga Gjykata Kushtetuese. - Shkurt, 1996
Bibliography of Government resolutions and regulations approved by the Council of Ministers 1991 - 1995, and decisions of the Constitutional Court
Bibliografi e artikujve te periodikut shqip
Bibliography of articles in Albanian periodicals
Bufi, Zana: Assemblée populaire de la République d'Albanie : recueil informatif / Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée populaire. - 1995
Bufi, Zana: Biblioteka dhe informacioni parlamentar. - 1994
Bufi, Zana: Manual perdorimi ProSp. - 1995
Shiroka, Rudina: Thesari. - 1995

5. Publications concerning the Library
Bufi, Zana: The Library of the People's Assembly of Albania // In: Parliamentary libraries in the Eastern Mediterranean- Black Sea Crescent : papers / 11th International Conference of Parliamentary Libraries, Ankara, 17 - 18 August 1995
Bufi, Zana: Biblioteka e parlamentit // In: Buletini i bibliotekave. - (1994),2, f. 21 - 24

6. Parliamentary documents
Gazeta zyrtare
Official gazette
Buletin i Kuvendit Popullor
Bulletin of the People's Assembly

(updated in March 1996)

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