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Startseite > WISSEN > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Libraries in Canada

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: British Columbia
Official language: English

Official name of Parliament: Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
- Unicameral -

2. Address
Legislative Library of British Columbia
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, B.C., V8V 1X4

Tel. (1)(250)387 6510
Fax (1)(250)356 1373
Telex 0497135 BC GOVT VIC
Cable address: Comparlas Victoria

Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1863
Person in charge: Ms Joan A. Barton
Position or official title: Director
Number of library staff: 29
      Number of professional librarians: 16
      Number of research and subject analyst staff: 6
      Number of secretarial and support staff: 13
Size of collection: 1.410.000
Number of annual accessions: 34.600
Annual acquisitions budget: 260.000 C$ (~ US$ 182.000)
Number of current periodicals: 2.585
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 100
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 3.979
Press cuttings: Yes, by the library (54)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the Library and by: Hansard Office
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses for subject indexing: Thesaurus and classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Yes
Restricted to members of parliament: No
Who else may use library: the official membership of the Library consists of the Lieutenant-Governor, Members of the Legislative Assembly, and Officers of the House. Other persons may also use the facilities. However, the needs of the Official membership take precedence and access is generally restricted to periods when the Legislature is not in session
Number of reading rooms: 1 (20)
Reference services: 9.000
Current bibliographies: Yes
Number of current bibliographic bulletins or series: 1
Retrospective subject bibliographies: No
External database searches: Yes
Analysis and research:No
Right to deposit: Full depositary status for British Columbia government publications
Depository library for: British Columbia government IFLA membership: No

Publications published by the Library
Bennett, Judith Antonik: British Columbia Executive Council appointments : 1871 - 1986 / by Judith Antonik Benett and Frederike Verspoor. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1989
Bennett, Judith Antonik: Royal commissions and commissions of inquiry under the Public Inquiries Act in British Columbia : 1943 - 1980. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1982
British Columbia government publications monthly checklist. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1970 -
Cataloguing in publication (CIP) : a guide for British Columbia government publishers. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1986
Bruce, Vivienne: Women Members of the Legislature of British Columbia. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1988
Electoral history of British Columbia : 1871 - 1986. - Victoria, B.C., 1988

Publications concerning the Library
Annual report of the British Columbia Legislative Library. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library
Legislative reference service. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1987
User's guide to the British Columbia Legislative Library. - Victoria, B.C. : Legislative Library, 1990
Barton, Joan A.: British Columbia=Colombie-Britannique // In: Canada's parliamentary libraries=Les bibliothèques parlementaires du Canada / The Association of Parliamentary Librarians in Canada. - 1989

Parliamentary Papers
Orders of the day
Daily during session
Debates : Hansard
1871 -
Daily during session
Votes and proceedings
Daily during session ; replaced by corressponding Journals
1872 -
Standing orders
1930 -
Government and Members

(Updated February 1999)