Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
![Photo of Ulrike Höfken (Alliance 90/The Greens)](hoefken.jpg)
Committee chairwoman Ulrike Höfken (Alliance 90/The Greens)
© German Bundestag
Rising up the agenda …
Consumer protection has risen up the agenda in recent years. Indeed, the establishment of the Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection by the German Bundestag testifies to its increased significance. What precautions should be taken to protect consumers against unsafe foodstuffs? How can they be helped to inform themselves? How should food scandals be managed? These are among the questions to which the Committee’s members are seeking to find answers. They are also interested in the condition of Germany’s forests and woodlands, animal protection, the agricultural sector and coastal protection systems. The various reports that are presented to the Committee on a regular basis, including the report on food and agricultural policy, help the Committee to perform its role of controlling the government.